Dr. Terry Mollner
In the 1970s, Terry Mollner, Ed.D., was an organizer of a group of leaders from around the US that wrote one of the first sets of social screens for investing. In 1982, Wayne Silby, a member of that group, & he were the founders of the first family of socially responsible mutual funds, the Calvert Funds. Today it has $33 billion under management and is one of the largest families of ESG funds.
He also took the lead to create Calvert Impact Capital, Calvert’s foundation, that has raised nearly $3 billion at low interest rates and loan it at slightly higher interest rates to reduce poverty around the world. In 2000, he facilitated having Ben & Jerry’s bought by Unilever. He negotiated a contract with its board that allowed it to remain an independent company, the board be self-perpetuating with him on it, & a contract that obligates Unilever to allow Ben & Jerry’s to spend forever the same percent of the annual budget on social activism as of the year bought. The board is responsible for monitoring this agreement, with freedom to take any position on social issues. It is the only socially responsible company to secure these agreements when bought by a multinational company. He has since retired from all three of these boards to focus on building Trust Funds for All Children, Inc. (TFAC), a program where family members & friends can contribute as little as $11 a month until a child is 20 years old that will provide a monthly distribution their entire adult life. When elderly, it will be the equivalent, or more than, a monthly US Social Security check. In exchange, the remainder upon death is used to begin trust funds for poor children around the world. The money grows without taxation their entire lives. This is best for the child & best for the world. Terry is also a founder & Chair of Stakeholders Capital, Inc., a socially responsible asset management firm in Massachusetts & California. Since 1972, he is the founder & chair of TFAC, until recently named Trusteeship Institute, Inc., which has supported him in the development of these & many other projects.
His latest books, available on Amazon, are Common Good Capitalism Is Inevitable, Common Good Nation, Our Mutual Blind Spot, & in a month, Sensation of Oneness: Cooperation for Maturation, Not Competition, Is the Fundamental Process in Nature & We Can Experience It as a Sensation.