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Gardening & Carpentry at Orange Peel Bakery

Permatours Fam,

We are very excited to return back to the one of the first ever places we visited on our "tour" -  Orange Peel Bakery & Community Center

This nature-engulfed creative sanctuary and event space is located on land originally inhabited by the Wampanoag people (also known as Martha’s Vineyard) and it is run and stewarded by Tribal Elder, Juli Vanderhoop. 

We invite you to join us for a hands-on workshop centered around cleaning up the land (removing invasive species) and repairing the stage and surrounding benches for hosting community events, which often include live music!


We'll work together to repair the outdoor stage, replace some of the structure, and add a roof so that Orange Peel Bakery can host community events and live music! 

Additionally, we'll help clean up the land by removing invasive knotweed, and we'll also spread mulch in the area, and fix up some of the benches on the land to provide more seating. 

We'll also get to learn about native medicinals, and Juli’s work building affordable housing for natives living on the island. 

Finally, we’ll check out a nearby garden that Juli and others have been cultivating for foraging, education, play, and community building. 

We are calling in ~ 12 volunteers to help us make magic happen!


Morning Movement Meditation 

Fireside Jams at night

Community cooking & meals  

& more! 

~ Stay tuned ~


There's an outdoor shower, a fire pit & a cobb oven for cooking. There is an indoor bathroom and porta potty available on site. 

There is space for 4 large tents on the property so we will be sleeping multiple people per tent. 

There is also water available on site, so make sure to bring your reusable water bottles! 🙂

Please be prepared to pack in and pack out what you bring. Let's leave the land better than we found it. 


We will get to enjoy fresh baked goods (made by Juli with lots of ingredients sourced onsite) and we’ll also co-create meals together. 

You’re welcome to bring your own food, as well as ingredients to contribute to our community meals. 

Permatours will be bringing food (i.e. fruits, veggies, rice, beans, eggs, etc). for our community meals, too. 


See Ferry Schedule here:

& upon registering, please let us know when you plan to take the ferry so we can try to coordinate people going together :)


Juli Vanderhoop is an advocate for affordable and sustainable housing, and has just built 4 units for affordable housing on the island. She is currently working on creating a food forest on a 6 acre lot that is a half mile away from the bakery which will include paths for foraging, and a playground for the children. 

Check out the Bakery Website at


We value active participation in all facets of Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.

We treat the land and all beings with love and respect.

We do not tolerate hate language, discrimination, or violence of any kind. 

We support an accessible and equitable environment for all beings.

Equality is not an assumption, and we strive to promote equitable access.

Consent is required for all: commitments (including time/energy expectations), verbal interactions, physical contact, emotional support, desire for intimacy, etc. 

We encourage curiosity to be a leader against assumptions. 

We support the use of the acronym FRIES to share concisely that consent is:

F - freely given

R - reversible

I - informed

E - enthusiastic

S - specific

Permatours is dedicated to holding containers (intentional spaces) that remain free of alcohol, powders, pills, and gasses. Your presence, in times of joy and difficulty, is welcome here! 

We support a space of interdependence, and mutual aid. We trust that when we arrive and are able to do for ourselves what we can, with the inter-standing we may not be able to do everything, we are better aligned to receive the aid we truly need, and aid others in areas of their needs. Building mutually beneficial relationships and working together in symbiosis are key aspects of being able to thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually, as a community. 

We support a space of radical self-reliance, encouraging everyone to show up able to meet most, if not all, of their own needs. The community is here to support them when/if needed.

We observe the 4 Agreements, with the inclusion of the 5th Agreement, by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Be impeccable with your word.

Don’t take anything personally.

Don’t make any assumptions.

Always do your best.

Be skeptical, but learn to listen


Make sure to register on our Eventbrite page:


Guests are welcome to donate to Venmo: @permatours or Paypal: to help us cover event costs.


If you have any questions, feel free to message us on social or email us at

We can’t wait to work and play with you! 🌱

With Gratitude, 

Permatours & Crew

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