StarSeed Ecovillage

Starseed Village is a 156-hectare coffee plantation located in Chicacao, Guatemala, 1 hour south of Lake Atitlan and 3 miles from a bustling market and most needed shops and services.

The vision is to co-create a thriving local economy and DAO that strives to work in balance and harmony with all the systems in nature. The grounds include 20+ existing structures, a community kitchen, bathrooms, fresh mountain spring water, a fire pit, 3 rivers, hiking trails to numerous waterfalls, and 100Mbps internet. You can view drone footage here.

StarSeed is welcoming self-sustaining guest campers on the property and has a fund to feed those supporting the development of the project. Their greatest needs are growing food and building housing structures to be able to host more community members. They are also focused on integrating with the locals in Chicacao and plan to eventually offer educational workshops, retreats, and tours.

  • Will Blakey

    Stephen Durham

    Jay Kaiser




The community is currently remodeling & refocusing the land into a regenerative permaculture eco-village, & fundraising to create:

  • a natural bamboo treatment facility

  • a medicinal mushroom cultivation program

  • multiple permaculture gardens

  • a healing yoga retreat center

  • a natural building team to initiate the development of an intentional ecovillage, including treehouses and aircrete domes.

  • a world-class music studio and outside amphitheater

  • a media center for content creation and web 3.0 hackathons

  • an agroforestry and educational center

Permatours is being called upon by StarSeed to recruit individuals who are aligned with their mission & willing to support with:

  • growing food & refocusing the land into a regenerative permaculture eco-village

  • building housing structures & remodeling existing structures

  • integrating w/ the local community

  • fundraising to actualize the vision

  • offering educational workshops, retreats, & tours

  • managing volunteers

The StarSeed community’s covid policy is “to escape Babylon by following our hearts & practicing love while bathing in the river daily, eating healthy local food, dancing among friends, & singing songs of gratitude for our health & wellbeing." They also ask that guests respect the land by removing all of their personal trash.

Permatours has hosted an online Q&A to raise awareness around the opportunity to support and collaborate with members of StarSeed. More information on Permatours’ plans to visit will be coming soon! Stay tuned.


Sacred Nectar Sanctuary in Sandwich, NH